Sunday, December 4, 2011

2 Things about my school I would change.

The two things I would change about my school would be the block schedule and the tardy sweeps. I would choose to change the tardy sweeps because sometimes students can not avoid being late because they have sibblings that need to be dropped off first. When tardy sweeps are held in school they actually make the student even more late and sometimes the sutdents are only late by a minute even thirty seconds, tardy sweeps does reduce tardies but also decreases the students learning time and wastes the administrators time by filling out tardy slips and that is a lose - lose. I would also choose to change the schools current block schedule because majority of the time teachers end up showing movies or leaving the students to free time the remainder of the class . If we had regular 1 - 6 schedule students wouldn't have time to procrastinate or goof off because they only have a certain amount of time to do their work  and that would better their time management and reduce their goofing off. Students would also turn in work more often because they would only have untill the next day to turn it in as a posed to turning home work in in two days where studentswould forget to do them or be too lazy to do them. With changing those two things I feel the school would improve dramatically and positivly. 

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